
Annual North Umpqua River Trash Pick Up

You’re Invited! Steamboaters will be hosting their annual Hwy 138 Road cleanup with the decreased road construction! 

On Saturday, August 20th, at 9:30 am, the Steamboaters and other volunteers will gather at Bogus Creek raft put-in to distribute bags, trash grabbers, and vests. We will help direct folks on where to pick up trash that day. The cleanup will finish at 12:15 pm and meet at Susan Creek Day Use Area for refreshments provided by the Steamboaters. Multiple Steamboaters Board members will be there for conversations or questions. 

If you would like to join, please email We hope everyone can make it for a beautiful day giving back to the River. 

Who: Anyone interested in cleaning up the Wild and Scenic North Umpqua River

What: Trash Pickup with refreshments afterward

When: Saturday, August 20th, 9:30 am refreshments at 12:15 pm 

Where: Bogus Creek Raft put-in

How: Folks will split up and tackle multiple sections of the river. We will organize folks in the morning to cover different river sections. Please bring adequate clothing and water. 

Kirk BlaineAnnual North Umpqua River Trash Pick Up

Steamboaters Annual Banquet

This year, the Steamboaters will be hosting an untraditional banquet in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We will be meeting on Saturday, April 9th at River Forks Park to enjoy a catered meal and drinks. Event will start at 12pm with food being served at 2pm. Everyone is invited to join.

We are excited to get back together after taking last year off. At the event, we will have food and refreshments available. We encourage all new members to join after a morning of fishing.

More details will come soon, but please hold your calendars and plan on attending. For any questions, please email the board at

Kirk BlaineSteamboaters Annual Banquet